Students should arrive at the central business office (250 N Sawyer St) between 7:30 and 7:45 am to board the bus. We will be returning to school on Thursday, January 23 in time for them to follow their normal end of day procedures. We will be going to Camp U-nah-li-ya, which is about an hour and a half north of Oshkosh. We go on this field trip for several reasons, most of which are uniquely accomplished by staying overnight away from school and cannot be replicated in the classroom: 1) Environmental science: students will be learning about forest and aquatic habitats, focusing on life cycles and food web interactions. 2) Recreational skills: students will have the opportunity to cross country ski and learn survival skills, such as making fires and ice fishing with materials they can find around them. 3) Relationship building: students will participate in group-led team initiatives, and moreover have time together in a non-school, technology free environment to foster healthy friendships 4) Curriculum supplements: students will participate in guided stargazing, which will augment our astronomy unit that we will be completing at the time of the trip.